Wednesday, March 14

An interest movie on which we can discuss!

Searching interesting movie on you tube in my leisure time I founded this movie about physical training of the Croatia Zagreb. I decided to share it on the blog because I think it could give interesting ideas and because I am agree with the most part of the exercise and training tools.

First of all I am very happy to see the use of equipment that aren’t exercise machine of gym, very expensive and not so profitable for the improvement of the performance; furthermore I believe that the use of free body exercise or dumbbells, barbells and elastic band is the better and cheaper way to develop the strength in the open-skills sports like handball.
Then I’d like to analyze some exercise in particular:
-          I judge fantastic the surface at the minute 0:30 where players sliding for the development of the strength of lower limb for the stops and restart in the change of direction; I’d like very much try them and understand with which materials they are made
-          Optimal the sprint with the anterior load to push…very functional  but I prefer that the bar to push is more higher to reproduce in the better way the real situation of play…I think itsn’t so difficult assemble a bar at the chest level
-          Very interesting the work-out made with sprint with elastic band and overall with parachute that allows the immediately detachment of the load for a successive normal sprint
-          Simple but very useful the exercise in couple using the body weight of the team mate for load at the minute 8:58…I think that are exercise really effective (increasing of the performance, economy and facility of the training tools)
-          Very useful the exercise for the muscles of the “core” made with the platform with wheels (minute 2:38), however are exercise that need the attention on the posture of the players
-          I believe that the use of TRX (minute 3:16) is very important in a shoulder injury prevention point of view
-          I am a supporters of the exercises made with the barbell like at the minutes 6:15 and 7:18…allow free of movements with a adjustable load
-          Very important the exercises for the hamstrings muscle in an eccentric contraction like the Nordic hamstring made at minute 7:02
These are my opinions…I hope to have others from you…in this way you grow professionally


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